
Showing posts from July, 2024


                           How can I put into words the pain I feel when I realize that an animal that I loved like a child will only live for a little while after I have done everything possible?   Even if an animal is told not to love too much, who doesn't feel love when they see their little work?  But the pain that you feel when you love like that and leave so soon is indescribable                  What else is left but to forget as many memories as possible and take heart and let love go?  But how can I let him go like that, how can I bear that pain, the little Sambolaya who ran all over the house and ran around the house and was so in love, how could you think of leaving so soon, why did you go out without me just yesterday?  Why did I let you go?    If I didn't let you go out like that yesterday, you would be sleeping cuddling me today, right?  My little cat must live well somewhere.  How can God look at the pain in these little eyes?


  There is a unique and fascinating relationship between music, a cup of coffee and the sound of rain, and the elements together create a calming and soothing experience that touches the soul in a profound way.  Music, capable of evoking feelings and memories, forms the heart of the other elements. It provides a soundtrack to our thoughts, enhances reflection and relaxation. Be it a soft melody or a soulful tune, music connects deeply with our emotions and creates a peaceful atmosphere. A coffee mug adds warmth and comfort to this setting. The act of drinking its rich aroma and warmth slows down time, encouraging mindfulness and presence. Coffee stimulates not only the senses but the mind as well, creating an alert calmness that enhances appreciation of the moment. The rain completes the symphony with its rhythmic tone. The sound of rain is inherently calming, creating a natural backdrop that soothes the mind and body. It encourages introspection and a sense of coziness, often referred


                                Music is magic. I am an addicted illusion.  I don't know how music was made or how people discovered it. But I know if I can say something that can extinguish the whole world. Some songs take us to different worlds. I like listening to my favorite songs while looking at the sea on a sunset evening. That's a different thing. That popular path is the most successful path in my life. Because all those songs don't have my story. Even so, it is a magic door that can take me to the world inside that song. How many of us tell secrets to the sea? I think that he must have taken those secrets to the deep sea inside the waves and told them to the sky near the horizon. After that, the sky will paint that secret very beautifully. Hiding in the clouds. It might be that there are so many beautiful colors in the sky at that time. I prefer to tell them secrets because they color our story beautifully. You know, sometimes the clouds tell us stories while look


                                                             Angel numbers and the Law of Attraction are two profound concepts that beautifully intertwine, guiding us toward a life of purpose and fulfillment. Angel numbers are sequences believed to be messages from the spiritual realm, offering insight and guidance. The Law of Attraction, on the other hand, asserts that our thoughts and emotions shape our reality, attracting similar energies. The relationship between these two lies in their shared emphasis on the power of thought and intention. Angel numbers, like 1111 or 444, often appear when we are in a state of alignment with the universe. They act as affirmations, reassuring us that we are on the right path and encouraging us to maintain positive thoughts. This alignment is a fundamental aspect of the Law of Attraction, which teaches that our mental and emotional state attracts corresponding experiences.    When we recognize angel numbers, we are reminded to focus on our desires


                  A father is often a daughter's first love, a key figure who shapes her understanding of the world and relationships.   This bond is deep and irreplaceable, characterized by a unique blend of protection, guidance and unconditional love.   From the very first moment, a father becomes a hero in the eyes of his daughter.   He lifts her up, makes her feel on top of the world, and teaches her to be bold and confident.  His actions and words provide the foundation for her self-esteem and sense of worth.  Through his love and encouragement, she learns to believe in herself and her abilities. A father's love provides a safe haven, a place where a daughter feels safe and loved.  His protective presence gives her a comforting shoulder in times of fear and uncertainty.  This security builds her confidence, knowing that she has someone who will always be there for her.    Moreover, a father sets an example for how he treats others, how a daughter sees and expects to be tr


                                 I like sensitive people.  They are very beautiful.  These are the people who make this world beautiful.  Because I feel that the good existence of this world depends on the small acts of kindness of sensitive people.  Sensitivity is often seen as a delicate and fragile trait, but it holds a profound beauty and strength. Sensitive individuals experience the world with heightened awareness and empathy. They are deeply attuned to their own emotions and those of others, making them compassionate and understanding companions.  Being sensitive means feeling deeply. Sensitive people may cry at a touching story, feel moved by a piece of music, or be profoundly affected by the beauty of nature. This depth of feeling enriches their lives, allowing them to experience the world in vivid, vibrant colors.  Sensitivity also brings a keen awareness of subtleties. Sensitive individuals notice the small details that others might overlook, whether it's a slight change


  The art of keeping diary ....                   The habit of keeping a diary can be called as an eternal tradition and a close practice that captures the innermost or essence of our life in words. To put it bluntly, it can be said to be a silent moment and a ritual that allows us to reflect, record and explore our inner thoughts and experiences. I feel that the beauty of this habit lies not only in the act of writing but also in the deep understanding and emotional clarity it brings.      Actually, a diary is more than a book. It is a haven for our thoughts, feelings and dreams. It provides a safe space where we can be immeasurably ourselves, free from judgment or external influences. Within the pages of a diary, our fears, hopes and thoughts are met with understanding and acceptance.        So I also write a diary as a habit. A few days ago, I turned the diary of the year 2021. Between the pages of the diary I saw again many secrets that I had forgotten.  Between those pages, I coul


                                             The Law of Attraction is a powerful principle rooted in the idea that our thoughts and emotions shape our reality.  It suggests that like attracts like;   Positive thoughts and feelings attract positive experiences and negative ones attract negativity. This law works on the premise that everything in the universe, including our thoughts, emits a frequency that influences what we attract into our lives.    The beauty of the Law of Attraction is its simplicity and empowering nature.  It reminds us that we are not mere spectators of our lives but active participants with the ability to shape our future. By focusing on our desires with positive intention and unwavering belief, we can draw these desires into our reality. Visualization and affirmations are key uses of this law, allowing us to align our mental and emotional states with our goals.    Moreover, the Law of Attraction fosters a mindset of gratitude and abundance.  By appreciating what


                        Law of Apology If you realize you made a mistake, don't be shy to apologize. Don't be shy to say 'I'm sorry'. Don't apologize for being cunning. Let's say you made a mistake. That mistake was caught by the other party. So you are angry with the other party, hiding your anger in your heart and falsely apologizing. Many people who do this make the same mistake again and again. So don't be like that. Apologize from the bottom of your heart.  Apologizing is not a negative thing. An apology is a positive thing.  Be grateful to the person who forgives you. Even if the person who forgives you leaves you next, don't hate that person because that is their right.  The most important forgiveness in this world is to forgive yourself. No matter how many mistakes you have made in the past, if at this moment you feel that I should change, that thought alone is enough to forgive yourself. At that time, don't think that others will forgive


 "The Law of Forgiveness" and '' The Low of Apology''               When we say we forgive someone, we feel more comforted than the person doing the forgiving. Think about it, if you hate someone and think about the wrong he did to you, do you have peace.. But if you practice forgiveness, you will feel that your life will be filled with peace..  Do not forgive and approach again. Know how that person is and give him the appropriate distance. - Forgive him and keep him away. - Forgive and forget him.  When you forgive someone, give it with meaning.. It means that after you have forgiven, if you remind the person of his mistakes again and hurt both of you, it is not your forgiveness. So forgive and don't remember those mistakes again. Forgive with meaning. That's why you are told not to forgive someone who made a mistake that you cannot forget. Because in such places the relationship between the two will not be a peaceful relationship after that.  Don


                                I love to live in books. When I read the book, they take me into their world. So I go and wait and see what they do. But they don't know that I am looking at them like that. It's just like in those movies the soul is gone and watching everything. Something like that is happening here.                      If I am not a part of it. But when they are happy, my heart is full, and when they are sad, I am also hurt. When they are alone, I feel like running to hug them and make up my mind. I want to tell them that this is not the end and the story is not over yet. There are many more. I will quickly read the story and tell you about your beautiful future. But my soul can't even touch them. I can't even make up my mind. I have to wait and see how their lives unfold. It's like us who try to give up everything when life falls down when a problem comes, but the end of our story is not here, there is another beautiful future ahead of us. No one


                                                                                                                                       Loving alone and enjoying solitude are profound experiences that nourish the soul and enhance self-awareness.   If you appreciate the comforting warmth of a fresh cup of coffee while gazing out the window at a gentle rain, it is in these moments of reflection that you can truly appreciate the subtlety of life.   Solitude allows me to explore my inner world, fosters creativity and personal growth, and is a sanctuary where you can indulge in your passions without interruption, such as drawing, cooking or reading a captivating book. Being alone is not loneliness;   It's an opportunity to embrace my individuality and find happiness in my own company. The sea becomes a believer, a believer in itself. Its vastness is a metaphor for your limitless thoughts and dreams.   Solitude gives you the freedom to listen to music that resonates with your heart and en


        You are just like a cotton ball.  A wonderful wordsmith.  Many people don't want to make you.  Because of your arrogance.  And they didn't love like brothers anymore.  It looks like that from the outside.  While looking like that, you should leave flowers and worship us for loving you by looking at all your greatness.   But only we who are with you from the heart know how you feel inside.  The little ones fall prey to your petting.  So it is a lie to say that you are caught in those columns and you will escape again.  You are an addict.   No matter how many sleeping places there are, you will come to the body.  If you don't sleep, you have to keep a good hand.  When you are sleeping comfortably, you can see us like a comfortable mattress and sleep on top of your body.  Lies are being spread again.  Why is your Majesty sleeping?    Tell me this, why are you so angry with the salons?   What did he do to you?  You were born to eat it.  Ah, one more thing, we were born


                       GUMIHO is my favirote legend.Gumiho or nine tailed fox can be known as a legend known to anyone who watches Korean, Chinese and Japanese dramas and movies.                                                     So who is this gumiho really?🦊🦊🦊      The Nine-Tails Fox,  is a mythical creature originating from East Asian folklore. Known as "Kitsune" in Japan, "Huli Jing" in China, and "Kumiho" in Korea, it is depicted as a fox that can transform   into a human and possesses various magical abilities. In Japanese folktales (kitsune) and Chinese legends (huli jing), tailed foxes are known for their ability to shapeshift into human form, often taking on the appearance of a beautiful woman or an old man, but are often referred to as fox spirits that can be benevolent or malevolent.    But in Korean folklore (Kumiho/Gumiho) are usually depicted as evil creatures, often transforming into beautiful women to eat men's livers or hearts or t